Results for 'Oleh Silvia Ajeng Dewanti'

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  1. Perempuan di mata Drijarkara, sebuah eksplorasi awal.Oleh Silvia Ajeng Dewanti - 2013 - In Gregorius Budi Subanar (ed.), Oase Drijarkara: tafsir generasi masa kini. Gejayan, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Universitas Sanata Dharma.
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  2. Access Problems and explanatory overkill.Silvia Jonas - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2731-2742.
    I argue that recent attempts to deflect Access Problems for realism about a priori domains such as mathematics, logic, morality, and modality using arguments from evolution result in two kinds of explanatory overkill: the Access Problem is eliminated for contentious domains, and realist belief becomes viciously immune to arguments from dispensability, and to non-rebutting counter-arguments more generally.
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    Uses and abuses of the concept of race in genomics of sport performance and sport-related traumatic brain injury: epistemological and ethical considerations.Ludovica Lorusso & Silvia Camporesi - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):358-372.
    In this article, we tackle the epistemological and ethical issues related to the use of race concepts in the genomics of sport performance and sport-related concussion (SRC). In the first part of the article, we show how the concept of race is ubiquitous in scientific literature, besides the fact that ‘race’ as other analogous population descriptors like ‘ancestry’ and ‘continent’ carry ancestral genetic heterogeneity and therefore they cannot be used to infer any kind of genetic or physiological property. Then, we (...)
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    Student Moods Before and After Body Expression and Dance Assessments. Gender Perspective.Mercè Mateu, Silvia Garcías, Luciana Spadafora, Ana Andrés & Eulàlia Febrer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Body expression and dance are activities that contribute to the integral well-being of people. In an educational context, the process of evaluating our students implies variations in their moods. This study tackles the states of mind that students perceive before and after the evaluation of a practice in the subject ofBody expression and dance, developed through choreographies, that were, previously rehearsed, and later presented to the rest of the class in a specific session. Our main interest was the obtention of (...)
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    Metacognition of Visual Short-Term Memory: Dissociation between Objective and Subjective Components of VSTM.Silvia Bona, Zaira Cattaneo, Tomaso Vecchi, David Soto & Juha Silvanto - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Osservazioni sulle fonti esplicite di Copernico, Galilei e Newton nella Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Silvia De Bianchi - 2010 - Philosophical Readings 2 (1):157-178.
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    Psychological Differences Among Healthcare Workers of a Rehabilitation Institute During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Two-Step Study.Anna Panzeri, Silvia Rossi Ferrario & Paola Cerutti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction:Healthcare workers facing the threatening COVID-19 can experience severe difficulties. Despite the need to evaluate both the psychological distress and positive protective resources, brief and reliable assessment tools are lacking.Aim:Study 1 aimed at developing a new assessment tool to measure psychological distress and esteem in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Study 2 aimed to explore and compare the psychological reactions of healthcare workers of the COVID-19 and the non-COVID-19 wards.Methods:In Study 1, psychologists created 25 items based on their clinical (...)
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    Jewish Agents of Memory in Linda Grant’s Still Here: A Transgenerational and Intersectional Feminist Reading.Silvia Pellicer-Ortín - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (3):228-242.
    1. Transmodernity, in the words of Irena Ateljevic, is “an umbrella term that connotes the emerging socio-cultural, economic, political and philosophical shift” which we are experiencing in the era...
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    Goddess traditions in India: theological poems and philosophical tales in the Tripurārahasya.Silvia Schwarz Linder - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book on the Tripurārahasya, a South Indian Sanskrit work which occupies a unique place in the Śākta literature, is a study of the Śrīvidyā and Śākta traditions in the context of South Indian intellectual history in the late middle ages. Associated with the religious tradition known as Śrīvidyā and devoted to the cult of the Goddess Tripurā, the text was probably composed between the 13th and the 16th century CE. The analysis of its narrative parts addresses questions about the (...)
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    Emotional Prosody Processing in Epilepsy: Some Insights on Brain Reorganization.Lucy Alba-Ferrara, Silvia Kochen & Markus Hausmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:335228.
    Drug resistant epilepsy is one of the most complex, multifactorial and polygenic neurological syndrome. Besides its dynamicity and variability, it still provides us with a model to study brain-behavior relationship, giving cues on the anatomy and functional representation of brain function. Given that onset zone of focal epileptic seizures often affects different anatomical areas, cortical but limited to one hemisphere, this condition also let us study the functional differences of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. One lateralized function in the (...)
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  11. La invención de los trastornos mentales siembra la polémica. Entrevista a Marino Pérez.Edurne Alonso, Silvia Berdullas & Marino Pérez Alvarez - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (974):89-92.
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    Atribuciones psicológicas, competencia y posesión conceptual desde el externismo psicológico = Psychological attributions, competence and conceptual possession from a psychological externalist perspective.Silvia Andrés Balsera - 2013 - Endoxa 31:85.
  13. Ano Anísio Teixeira no Museu do Homem do Nordeste : educação como prioridade.Edna Silva E. Silvia Paes Barreto - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto (eds.), Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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    Precovers, Modalities and Universal Closure Operators in a Topos.John L. Bell & Silvia Gebellato - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):289-299.
    In this paper we develop the notion of formal precover in a topos by defining a relation between elements and sets in a local set theory. We show that such relations are equivalent to modalities and to universal closure operators. Finally we prove that these relations are well characterized by a convenient restriction to a particular set.
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    Medicalización como problema de salud internacional. La prensa escrita online sobre TDAH en Argentina (2001-2017).Eugenia Bianchi, Silvia Adriana Faraone, Milagros Luján Oberti & Costanza Leone - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24:17-51.
    En el contexto de cambios del proceso de globalización, la medicalización constituye una problemática central en la agenda de salud internacional. Durante la década de 1990, comenzó la expansión internacional del diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH), entre otros factores, merced a la creciente relevancia de actores no médicos en el proceso y de legislaciones específicas para diferentes diagnósticos. El artículo busca contribuir a un análisis del espacio que le otorga la prensa escrita on line a (...)
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    Erratum to: Bioethics and Biopolitics: Presents and Futures of Reproduction.Silvia Camporesi - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):183-183.
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    Combining finite and infinite elements: Why do we use infinite idealizations in engineering?Silvia De Bianchi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):1733-1748.
    This contribution sheds light on the role of infinite idealization in structural analysis, by exploring how infinite elements and finite element methods are combined in civil engineering models. This combination, I claim, should be read in terms of a ‘complementarity function’ through which the representational ideal of completeness is reached in engineering model-building. Taking a cue from Weisberg’s definition of multiple-model idealization, I highlight how infinite idealizations are primarily meant to contribute to the prediction of structural behavior in Multiphysics approaches.
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  18. Bibliografia archeologica ed epigrafica delle Marche (2001-2005).Christiane Delplace & Silvia Maria Marengo - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:7-64.
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    Minerals Scrutinized: Alberto Betim Paes Leme (1883-1938) and the Application of Spectrography1.Silvia F. De M. Figueirôa - 2011 - Centaurus 53 (2):164-175.
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    Rethinking Italian science: Marco Beretta, Antonio Clericuzio, Lawrence M. Principe : The Accademia del Cimento and its European context, Science History Publications, Sagamore Beach, 2009, xiii + 257 pp, US$ 49.95 HB.Silvia De Renzi - 2010 - Metascience 19 (1):139-141.
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    Le Kitāb Al-Kašf ʿan Manāhiğ Al-Adilla D'Averroès: Les Phases de la Rédaction Dans Les Discours Sur l'Existence de Dieu Et Sur la Direction, d'Après l'Original Arabe Et la Traduction Hébraïque.Silvia Di Donato - 2015 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (1):105-133.
    RésuméLa tradition manuscrite duKitāb al-Kašf, conserve la trace matérielle de trois phases de rédaction et de révision de l'ouvrage. Cette étude vise à expliciter les relations entre les deux versions arabes et la traduction hébraïque anonyme du XIVesiècle, en prenant en compte les additions et remaniements qui les différencient. Je conclus que la traduction hébraïque représente un stade intermédiaire de réélaboration: elle atteste d'importants ajouts et modifications philosophiques, spécialement dans les arguments portant sur la création du monde, au début de (...)
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    Possibilidades de inventar a inclusão para os aprendizes do século XXI: contribuições da filosofia da diferença de Gilles Deleuze.Silvia Ester Orrú - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):1127-1158.
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    Reseña de Proyecto LATE (laboratorio temporal).Silvia García-Ceballos - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:425-427.
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    Emergent Challenges in the relation between Science, Nature and Society: Sustainability Science.Silvia Patricia González Díaz & Núñez Jover - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):522-546.
    En el trabajo se propone difundir la teoría y los enfoques referidos a la ciencia de la sostenibilidad, con especial énfasis en el contexto académico cubano, al relacionar su emergencia a las urgencias que surgen en los vínculos entre la ciencia, la naturaleza y la sociedad, así como mostrar las articulaciones de la Ciencia de la Sostenibilidad con la política científica, la educación universitaria y la salud pública. In this paper, the theory and the approaches of the science of sustainability (...)
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  25. Ernst Bloch in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.Silvia Holz-Markun - 1977 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
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    (1 other version)Observar aos observadores: as contribuições da história da historiografia atual.María Silvia Leoni - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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    Las complejidades emergentes en las historias de vida de los “buenos profesores”.Silvia López de Maturana Luna - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    Investigar a los buenos profesores es complejo porque se corre el riesgo de generalizar trivializando sus características, por lo mismo, es fundamental no caer en la tentación de pensar que son ideales, puesto que son seres humanos que viven su existencia al igual que cada uno de nosotros, sólo que con compromiso y amor por lo que hacen. Gracias a las historias de vida pudimos entender el proceso de la profesionalización docente, develar sus principales complejidades y señalar tendencias válidas para (...)
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    Disclosing and discussing the role of spirituality in the transition theory of Afaf Meleis.Helga Martins & Sílvia Caldeira - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12348.
    Spirituality is as an individual, dynamic, and a complex concept. Meleis's theory includes spirituality in many aspects, and looking at this dimension within this specific theory may help in understanding spirituality as a critical dimension in transitions, as processes, but also as a dimension of self–transition as individual development and growing. Therefore, spirituality is an inherent and integral element of the several foundations of this theory, especially in nursing therapeutics, patterns of responses and transition conditions (facilitators and inhibitors).
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    Fronteras de cristal de la inmigración. Visión de los inmigrantes del Este Europeo en España.Silvia Marcu - 2010 - Arbor 186 (744):721-736.
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    Body Image and Sexual Dissatisfaction: Differences Among Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Lesbian Women.Silvia Moreno-Domínguez, Tania Raposo & Paz Elipe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Gender-based differences in body image dissatisfaction are not conclusive. Women’s body experiences and their impact on sexual satisfaction may advance knowledge on how heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian women internalize heterosexist values. In this study, we quantitatively examined the degree of body image and sexual dissatisfaction experienced by heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian women, to determine whether body dissatisfaction can predict sexual dissatisfaction. Three hundred and fifty-four women completed an online survey measuring body and sexual dissatisfaction. No sexual orientation-based differences were observed (...)
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    Condiciones de Trabajo En Las Cosechas Agrícolas de Mendoza (Argentina). El Caso de Las/Os Migrantes Bolivianas/Os.Marta Silvia Moreno - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 23:27-52.
    En base a un trabajo de campo etnográfico realizado entre 2009 y 2015 en los territorios agrícolas de Mendoza, me propongo reconstruir algunas especificidades del trabajo estacional, en tanto segmento laboral donde las/os migrantes procedentes de Bolivia se encuentran históricamente sobrerrepresentadas/os. Para ello analizo las condiciones de trabajo que afectan al sector y que persisten a pesar de las profundas transformaciones del trabajo en la agricultura latinoamericana. Focalizo luego en las marcas corporales que resultan moldeadas por dichos contextos sociales y (...)
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    Between Genealogy and Physicality: A Historiographical Perspective on Race in the Ancien Régime.Jean-Frédéric Schaub & Silvia Sebastiani - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):23-51.
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    Didáctica desarrolladora: Posición desde el enfoque histórico cultural.José Toruncha & Silvia Cruz - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):61-93.
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    Alcuni aspetti della dottrina dello Spirito santo in Ippolito.Marina Silvia Troiano - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):615-632.
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    2.4. Criteri d’identità e adeguatezza logica.Massimiliano Carrara & Silvia Gaio - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 49:141-160.
    Aim of the paper is to make some steps towards a formal characterization of identity criteria. First of all, we analyse some logical requirements identity criteria are supposed to satisfy and observe that some commonly used identity criteria fail to meet some of them. We focus in particular on the equivalence requirement. We consider then the proposals which have been given so far and aimed at providing logical adequacy to non-equivalent identity conditions. To this purpose, we analyse Williamson’s and De (...)
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    Feminist Dystopia and Reality in Louise Erdrich’s Future Home of the Living God and Leni Zumas’s Red Clocks.Silvia Martínez-Falquina - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (3-4):270-286.
    This article examines two recent examples of feminist dystopias: Louise Erdrich’s Future Home of the Living God and Leni Zumas’s Red Clocks. True to their genre, these novels act as w...
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    Effect of psychology consultation on subsequent general practitioner doctor consultations.Miguel Ricou, Sílvia Marina, Catarina Canário, Ricardo Soares & Ivone Duarte - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:254-258.
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    Discrimination in Sports as a Risk of Human Rights Violations in Ukraine.Alina Steblianko, Nataliia Hlushchenko, Volodymyr Bilobrov, Oleh Turenko, Tetiana Bilobrova & Alona Bykovska - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):430-447.
    The urgency of the issue in question lies in the need to improve anti-discrimination legislation in Ukraine. The article aims to summarize the current state of combating discrimination in sports. Research methods include analysis, generalization, and the formal-logical method. The article summarizes international acts that promote the prohibition of discrimination and the need to combat it. One of the main problems in world sport is racial discrimination, and there are three types of racism in sports. The main disadvantage of laws (...)
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    Goethe e Freud: forme di un immaginario condiviso.Silvia Vegetti Finzi - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (3):549-578.
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    Solitudini nell'amore.Finzi Silvia Vegetti - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 43:167-172.
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  41. What we (should) talk about when we talk about fruitfulness.Silvia Ivani - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):1-18.
    What are the relevant values to the appraisal of research programs? This question remains hotly debated, as philosophers have recently proposed many lists of values potentially relevant to scientific appraisal. Surprisingly, despite being mentioned in many lists, little attention has been paid to fruitfulness. It is unclear how fruitfulness should be explicated, and whether it has any substantial role in scientific appraisal. In this paper, I argue we should explicate fruitfulness as the capacity to develop of research programs. Moreover, I (...)
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    Monotheistic tendencies of Egypt'sreligions of the pre-dynastic and early dynasticperiod.Oleh Shepetyak - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:121-125.
    Oleh Shepetyak. Monotheistic tendencies of Egypt's religions of the pre-dynastic and early dynastic period. The study analyzes the religion of ancient Egypt, and it proved the presence of a clear monotheistic tendencies. The article provides a brief examination of the historical landmarks of Egyptian culture, its literary achievements inspection and analysis of earlier beliefs, which are at the center of the personality of Seth and Horus, and other deities who have the zeal of the late myth associated with them.
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  43. Sexual Difference from the Perspective of Merleau-Ponty Silvia.Silvia Stoller - 2001 - Phainomena 37.
    This essay argues that despite of the feminist critique of Merleau-Ponty his phenomenology can be positively appropriated to the theory of sexual difference. It focuses on three issues: the first one is closely linked to the Phenomenology of Perception and introduces a concept of "difference as differentiation". The second one is concerned with the intersubjective dimension of sexuality and will be called a "sexual syncretism". Finally, I’m referring to Merleau-Ponty's notion of "chiasm" in his late work The Visible and the (...)
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  44. Cultural Revolution: Mykhail Semenko, Ukrainian Futurism and the “National” Category.Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:45-52.
    This paper examines Mykhail Semenko’s Futurist manifestos that developed an opposition between “national” and “international” art, and specifically called “national” art provincial and retrograde. In promoting the international European avant-garde, Semenko’s essays demonstrate how consistently he championed a contemporary and modern Ukrainian culture in the face of home-grown conservatism.
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    Being and enjoyment: from Descartes’ subject of cogito to Sade’s subject of imago.Oleh Perepelytsia - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):82-93.
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    Pornotopia of Marquis de Sade: “Philosophy in the Bedroom” vs “Symposium”.Oleh Perepelytsia - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):95-110.
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    Are the sources of interest the same for everyone? Using multilevel mixture models to explore individual differences in appraisal structures.Paul J. Silvia, Robert A. Henson & Jonathan L. Templin - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1389-1406.
    How does personality influence the relationship between appraisals and emotions? Recent research suggests individual differences in appraisal structures: people may differ in an emotion's appraisal pattern. We explored individual differences in interest's appraisal structure, assessed as the within-person covariance of appraisals with interest. People viewed images of abstract visual art and provided ratings of interest and of interest's appraisals (novelty–complexity and coping potential) for each picture. A multilevel mixture model found two between-person classes that reflected distinct within-person appraisal styles. For (...)
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    Differential Effects of Up- and Down-Regulation of SMR Coherence on EEG Activity and Memory Performance: A Neurofeedback Training Study.Silvia Erika Kober, Christa Neuper & Guilherme Wood - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Modulating connectivity measures in EEG-based neurofeedback studies is assumed to be a promising therapeutic and training tool. However, little is known so far about its effects and trainability. In the present study, we investigated the effects of up- and down-regulating SMR coherence by means of neurofeedback training on EEG activity and memory functions. Twenty adults performed 10 neurofeedback training sessions in which half of them tried to increase EEG coherence between Cz and CPz in the SMR frequency range, while the (...)
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    Attack on identity. (Russian culture as an existential threat to Ukraine).Oleh Bilyi - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:145-160.
    The article deals with the role of Russian culture in the period of the RF war against Ukraine. The history is considered as the basic structure that shapes the discursive foundation of identity. Historical narratives as well as the cultural background of imperial identity and risks of the full scale representation of Russian culture in the Ukrainian social consciousness are analyzed. The two tendencies are also comprehended — junk science foundation of geopolitical projects and devalu- ation of the historically formed (...)
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    Access and Unknowable Obligations.Oleh Bondar - 2022 - Filosofia Unisinos 23 (3):1-16.
    The article is devoted to the question of whether unknowable obligations are possible. According to the popular view (known as Access), an act is obligatory only if its agent can know that this act is obligatory. Sorensen (1995) argues against Access, and Sider and Wieland both defend Access by suggesting (S) – For any obligation O, individual X must refrain from making O unknowable. We consider various difficulties concerning the possibility of (S) – an infinite regress, self-referential nature of (S), (...)
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